What Are the Top 10 Disabilities?

If you wonder about the most common disabilities in the U.S., the Social Security Administration has the answers. The SSA’s 2022 Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program identifies ten classifications or groups of disabilities that affect recipients of benefits most frequently. … read more

What Is a Long-Term Disability in Social Security Disability Cases?

Workers injured on the job in Pennsylvania are typically entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The benefits pay for medical care and wage replacement for on-the-job injuries. However, what happens if your injury or illness is unrelated to your job? If that happens, you may be… read more

Social Security Disability vs. Short-Term Disability

If you are injured or unable to work, you might be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. You could also be entitled to short-term disability benefits, depending on the facts and circumstances of your situation.  Our Harrisburg disability lawyers discuss each of these sources of… read more

Proving Pain in Pennsylvania Social Security Disability Claims

The Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews applications for disability. The federal government has two disability programs. The first program is for workers who become disabled (SSDI), and the second program (SSI) is for low-income individuals who are disabled and do not qualify for the first… read more

Do You Need To Pay Taxes on Your SSDI Benefits?

Whether or not your SSDI benefits are taxable depends on the amount of income you have from other sources. Other factors also determine tax liability for SSDI benefits. It is crucial that you carefully monitor your income to ensure you pay the taxes due, if… read more

How Do I Qualify for Disability in Pennsylvania?

If you live in Pennsylvania and have a disability that prevents you from working, you may be eligible for disability benefits paid through the Social Security Administration (SSA).  Claimants should understand the requirements and steps involved in the application process to improve their chances of… read more

What Is the Difference Between SSI and SSDI?

If you cannot work because of a disability, you might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages both programs that provide Social Security disability benefits to individuals, which are Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). … read more

What Is a Social Security Disability Interview?

When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) schedules an in-person or telephone interview. The Social Security disability interview allows the SSA to gather additional information about your disability to make a decision regarding your claim. The First Step Is… read more

Denied Social Security Disability for PTSD?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages the federal government’s disability programs for disabled workers and adults. An adult who cannot work to support themselves could qualify for monthly monetary benefits. Qualifying disabilities include many different physical conditions and several mental disabilities.  If you have PTSD,… read more

Differences Between Short & Long Term Disability Benefits in Pennsylvania

Disability can result in a major threat to your financial well-being, even if it only lasts for a short period. A long-term disability can be devastating. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will enjoy full coverage of all losses connected to your disability. Your… read more

Does an Attorney Improve the Chances of Winning Disability?

Disability is a lifeline for millions of Americans. It helps pay for vital necessities and helps countless remain fed and off the streets.  However, many disabled individuals seeking disability find they have to fight to get their benefits. The ones that have attorneys representing them… read more

Can You Get SSDI for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

A worker may sustain an injury in an accident or develop a health condition that makes it impossible to work. If you cannot work because of a disability, you might qualify for disability benefits.  Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, pays benefits to individuals who… read more

How Long Does It Take to Get a Decision About Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a lifeline for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, the process of receiving approval and subsequent disability payments can be time-consuming and challenging.  Delays in receiving approvals aren’t only common, but many times, they’re expected. However, with the help of a… read more

Social Security Disability Average Monthly Payments in Pennsylvania

You might be eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you cannot work. Two federal programs pay monthly benefits to disabled individuals who cannot work.  The first program is designed for individuals who worked and paid into the Social Security Fund through self-employment taxes and/or… read more

Can You Still Work While on Social Security Disability?

Individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits can work while receiving monthly disability payments. The rules allow you to earn a small amount of income while you continue to receive disability benefits. However, the rules differ for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income… read more

When Can Neuropathy Can Be a Qualifying Condition for SSDI Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits provide income for disabled workers. It is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Qualifying conditions for Social Security disability include mental and physical impairments, which could include neuropathy. If you need help, contact our personal… read more

Can You Get Social Security Disability for Anxiety in York, PA?

Most people think about physical conditions when they think about Social Security disability benefits. However, an emotional or mental impairment can significantly impact a person’s ability to perform activities of daily living and work. Therefore, many emotional and mental disabilities qualify for Social security disability. … read more

Can My Employer Withhold Social Security and Medicare Taxes From My Paycheck in Lebanon, PA?

Typically, federal law requires employers to withhold Social Security and Medicare taxes from an employee’s paycheck. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), taxes paid under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) consist of: The rates for each of the above taxes are different. You… read more

What Is the Average Social Security Disability Payment in Pennsylvania?

If you cannot work due to a disability, you may be able to receive financial assistance from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA is a federal agency, and Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Disability Determination (BDD) is the state agency that works alongside the SSA to… read more

Social Security Disability Benefits Pay Chart 2022 

If you cannot work and have a qualifying disability, you may be entitled to receive Social Security disability benefits. These benefits are administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in tandem with Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Disability Determination (BDD).  You’ll initially send your application to the… read more

How Do I Appeal a Denial of My Social Security Disability Claim?

Was your Social Security Disability Claim recently denied? You aren’t alone. The Security Administration denies most Social Security Disability claims — around 65%. These claimants have to appeal their denial if they want to pursue Social Security benefits for their disability. You can increase your… read more

Applying for Social Security Disability? Don’t Neglect Your Function Report! Here Are 5 Tips to Help You!

Applying for Social Security Disability (SSDI) might seem like an intimidating process. You want to ensure that all of the correct paperwork is filled out and filed. Incorrect filing can delay the process and can potentially result in claim denial. If you are denied SSDI… read more