Can My Boss Cut My Hours After I File for Workers Compensation in Pennsylvania?

If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. However, many injured workers hesitate to file a claim because they worry about their… read more

Workers Compensation for Independent Contractors in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws require employers to have workers’ compensation insurance when they have one or more workers. The rules for independent contractors in Pennsylvania are different. What is an Independent Contractor in Pennsylvania? An independent contractor is someone who works for themselves. They may… read more

Do Self-employed Need Workers Compensation Insurance in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry oversees workers’ compensation claims. In Pennsylvania, workers’ compensation is required for companies that employ one or more employees. The rules are different for self-employed individuals. Self-Employed Individuals in Pennsylvania If you are self-employed, you are considered an independent… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation if You Get Hurt During a Work Break in Pennsylvania?

If you’re injured during a work break in Pennsylvania, you might wonder whether you’re eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Reading about how workers’ compensation laws apply to injuries sustained during breaks can help you navigate your rights and options. Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania’s… read more

Putting the Top 5 Myths of Workers’ Comp to Bed 

Getting injured on the job can be overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure about your rights and the benefits available to you. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions surrounding workers’ compensation that can prevent employees from seeking the help they need.  It is helpful to debunk the… read more

Can You Be Fired After a Workers’ Compensation Injury in Pennsylvania?

A workers’ compensation injury is an injury that you suffer at your workplace. Most of the time, the workers’ compensation system will reimburse you for your medical expenses and a portion of your lost income arising from a workplace accident. It doesn’t matter whose fault… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation If Hurt While Drunk at Work in Pennsylvania?

Generally speaking, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. Not only are you relieved of the obligation to prove that your employer was at fault, but you can often collect compensation even if the accident was your fault. This is not always the case, however. Drunkenness… read more

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Employer Defense

Workers’ compensation is usually required for all employers in Pennsylvania with one or more employees. Most employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage to satisfy the requirement. However, state law allows employers to apply for self-insurance status. An injured worker is generally entitled to workers’ compensation… read more

Can You Be Laid Off After You Receive Workers Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Imagine this scenario: You suffer a work-related injury, such as a sprained back or a broken ankle, that requires you to spend time in the hospital and recuperate at home. Fortunately, workers’ compensation awards medical expenses, along with wage replacement benefits that equal most of… read more

How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Pennsylvania?

Were you injured in a workplace accident? If so, you may receive benefits under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system. Most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage to protect their employees. However, you must file your workers’ compensation claim before the deadline or lose… read more

Handbook for Workers’ Compensation Eligibility in Pennsylvania 

Have you been injured on the job in Pennsylvania? If so, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Understanding Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws helps workers know what to expect as they go through the workers’ compensation process.  What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Workers’… read more

How Long Do You Have To File A Workers Compensation Claim In Pennsylvania?

When you’re injured at work, it can feel overwhelming. Alongside the physical pain, you might be stressed about your financial situation, especially if you’re unable to work for some time. Fortunately, workers’ compensation is designed to help bridge this gap, covering medical expenses and lost… read more

How Does Workers’ Compensation Affect Disability Benefits?

If you were injured at work in Wyomissing, PA, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation, Social Security disability benefits, or both. Workers’ compensation and disability benefits are similar but have key differences. Continue reading about these programs and how workers’ compensation can affect disability… read more

Is Concentra Failing to Provide Adequate Treatment?

Concentra is a nationwide healthcare provider that offers occupational health services. It provides medical evaluations, treatment, and rehabilitation services to injured employees pursuing workers’ compensation claims.  Concentra is certainly not without its critics, especially with respect to the way it treats injured workers. These criticisms… read more

Workers’ Compensation Appeals Process

Although workers’ compensation claims and personal injury claims arise from injuries, they are not the same. In a nutshell, you file an administrative claim to win a workers’ compensation case and a civil lawsuit to win a personal injury case.  Workers’ compensation claims are easier… read more

How Long Does It Take To Receive My Workers’ Comp Check?

The workers’ compensation system is, in a sense, a substitute for the personal injury compensation system. It is designed for the benefit of employees who suffer work-related injuries, and relatively low-income workers are the people who are most dependent on workers’ compensation.  If you are… read more

What to Do if You Get Hurt and Your Employer Doesn’t Have Workers Compensation in Pennsylvania

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that compensates employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry administers the state workers’ compensation program. State law requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance under almost all circumstances. If… read more

When To Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Pennsylvania requires most employers who have employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance provides medical, wage-replacement, and other benefits to workers who are injured on the job within the course and scope of their employment.  In addition to covering injuries that occur during a… read more

Can I Get Food Stamps While on Workers’ Comp in Pennsylvania?

Being injured on the job can cause a severe financial crisis for families. Even though workers’ compensation offers some relief, the workers’ comp benefits do not cover all lost wages for an injured employee. Therefore, injured workers may need to explore government benefits to help… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Harassment in Pennsylvania?

Workers’ compensation is generally associated with an employee’s physical injury or occupational illness. However, workers’ compensation benefits may also be available for workers who are victims of harassment at work. Persistent and severe harassment can result in adverse psychological and physical conditions that could prevent… read more

Are Employers Required To Offer Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Workers’ compensation is a government-enforced program that insures employees against work-related injuries and associated economic losses. It offers 100% coverage for medical expenses as well as significant (although far from total) wage replacement benefits. It even offers victims’ families death benefits for fatal accidents.  Arguably,… read more

Can You Use PTO Alongside Workers Comp Benefits in Pennsylvania?

An on-the-job injury could require you to miss work. However, missing work can result in a significant loss of income.  We often receive questions from injured workers about using their PTO with workers’ comp benefits in Pennsylvania. Our Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyers answer many of… read more

Can You Track Your Workers’ Comp Check in Pennsylvania?

Being injured at work can cause severe financial hardships for the injured worker and their family. Workers’ compensation provides wage benefits for workers who are out of work while hearing from a workplace accident. However, can you track your workers’ comp check in Pennsylvania so… read more

How Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Work in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act revolutionized the relationship between employers and employees. Ultimately, its reforms benefited both employers and employees. The following is a simplified description of the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system.  The Tradeoff: From the Employer’s Point of View For employers, the workers’ compensation… read more

Questions To Ask a Workers’ Comp Attorney Before Hiring Them

The Harrisburg workers’ compensation system is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor. Although not all workers’ compensation claims require a lawyer, most injured workers could benefit from the assistance of an attorney. Just any lawyer won’t do, however, and it is up to you… read more

Workers’ Compensation Deadlines in Pennsylvania

Various deadlines apply to workers’ compensation claims in Pennsylvania. Following is an overview of how the process works as well as the applicable time limits. Deadlines and Paperwork for the Initial Claim Process Don’t miss any deadlines, as you could damage or even destroy your… read more

Marzzacco Niven & Associates Attorney Adam Crosier Leads CLE at Widener University Commonwealth Law School

On December 14, 2022, Attorney Adam Crosier presented a workers’ compensation Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course at Widener University Commonwealth Law School. This CLE was his second presentation at Widener this year. He conducted both CLEs on behalf of the Dauphin County Bar Association pursuant… read more

Deposition Mistakes In Worker’s Compensation Cases

Most work accidents in Pennsylvania are covered by the workers’ compensation system. When you file a workers’ compensation claim, you receive medical treatment and wage benefits for the work injury. However, your employer or the workers’ comp insurance provider might object to your worker’s comp… read more

How Social Media Can Affect Your Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Case

Using social media during a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation case could negatively impact your benefits. What you believe is private information could be used against you to deny or dispute your claim. The best way to avoid problems is to stop using social media until you… read more

Choosing a Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Claims

Being injured on the job can be frightening. The Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system provides insurance coverage for injured workers. You can receive medical treatment for injuries and benefits for loss of income. However, you must follow the rules for obtaining medical treatment to receive workers’… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Pain and Suffering?

No, you cannot get workers’ compensation benefits for pain and suffering. You can, however, get workers’ compensation benefits for certain psychological maladies that produce clear physical symptoms, such as PTSD. You must file a personal injury lawsuit if you want pain and suffering damages. Depending… read more

What to Expect at an Initial Legal Consultation

Most people will go through life without ever hiring a lawyer. But after a serious workplace accident, you might need a lawyer’s help to obtain workers’ compensation to cover your medical bills and lost wages. Most workers’ compensation lawyers offer a free initial consultation to… read more

Can You Be Disqualified From Receiving Workers Compensation In Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act requires most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. Therefore, workers’ compensation covers most work-related injuries and illnesses. Employers who fail to provide workers’ comp insurance could face lawsuits from injured employees, state fines, and… read more

Steps to Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

The workers’ compensation system is a replacement for personal injury lawsuits, and it applies to most work-related injuries and occupational illnesses.  Workers’ comp claims are typically no-fault, but you can only seek compensation for economic damages–medical expenses and lost earnings. You cannot claim damages for… read more

How to File a Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Claim

Pennsylvania employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage in most cases. Failing to have workers’ comp coverage could result in criminal and civil penalties for an employer. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act governs workers’ comp claims filed within the state. Workers’ comp ensures… read more

Penalties for Failing to Provide Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws are clear. Most employers must purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. Workers’ compensation is a: No-fault; Employer-financed; Insurance policy to protect employees from work-related illnesses and injuries.  Failing to provide workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania could result in criminal charges…. read more

Workers’ Comp Benefits After Termination in Pennsylvania

Millions of people suffer work-related injuries every year, even in sedentary jobs. Fortunately, Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system provides injured employees with compensation for their medical bills and lost earnings. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act governs workers’ compensation claims in Pennsylvania.  Normal Duration of Workers’ Compensation… read more

Drug Testing for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s Workers Compensation Act covers most employees working in the state. If a worker is injured on the job, they receive medical care and wage benefits. However, the law allows employers to deny workers’ compensation benefits if the employee’s use of alcohol or drugs caused… read more

Marzzacco Niven & Associates Attorney Adam Crosier Presents Workers’ Compensation CLE at Widener University Commonwealth Law School

On April 6, 2022, Attorney Adam Crosier presented a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course at Widener University Commonwealth Law School in Harrisburg, PA. The course, which he co-presented with Harrisburg attorney Victoria Edwards, covered the current state of workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania. The CLE discussed… read more

How Does Workers’ Comp Pay for Lost Wages in Pennsylvania?

If you’re a Pennsylvania resident who was injured on the job, chances are you have worries about your health and finances. One of these concerns may be how you will continue to pay your bills if you are unable to work. A large part of… read more

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Pennsylvania?

When an injury lawyer takes on a workers’ compensation case, the lawyer will most likely charge a contingent fee. A contingent fee is calculated at the end of the case based on the outcome.  In Pennsylvania, a workers’ compensation lawyer can charge a contingent fee… read more

What Does Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cover?

If you have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses in Pennsylvania, knowing your rights, benefits, and filing requirements for workers’ compensation claims is crucial to receiving the money you deserve. Under Pennsylvania law, an employer is obligated to compensate an employee for most employment-related illnesses and… read more

What if I am Not Ready to Return to my Job after a Work Injury in Pennsylvania?

Accidents and injuries happen. Often, injuries can affect our job, forcing us to take time off, sometimes for extended periods. If you’ve sustained a work injury, Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws can help you manage the financial burden while taking time off.  Your goal should be… read more

Should You Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer? 

According to the Insurance Journal, billions of dollars are paid out each year in workers’ comp for on-the-job injuries and workplace accidents.  There are many ways that employees can become injured on the job, including: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2021, workers’… read more

Can I Sue My Employer for Negligence in Harrisburg, PA?

Workers’ compensation entitles most employees to benefits if they are injured at work. In exchange, employees give up the right to sue their employer for negligence. However, you may have the right to sue the negligent business or employer under certain circumstances. This type of… read more

How Much is My Workers’ Comp Case Worth in Harrisburg, PA?

If you were injured in a job-related accident, you may wonder how much your workers’ compensation case is worth. You may not know how much to expect unless you have prior experience with the workers’ compensation claims process. One of the best ways to understand… read more

I Slipped and Fell at Work in Harrisburg, PA. What Should I Do?

Workplace accidents are more common than many people think. According to recent research from the National Safety Council, falling accidents are the third leading cause of injury-related deaths in the workplace.   Some working environments present more hazards than others. For instance, construction workers and other… read more