Symptoms of a Broken Tailbone 

If you are like most individuals, you may not immediately recognize the difference between general pain at the base of your spine and a broken tailbone. However, being unaware of the symptoms of a broken tailbone can result in you delaying treatment and experiencing needless pain.

It can also keep you from seeking legal help after an accident. If you do not realize that an accident resulted in you breaking your tailbone, you could waste valuable time that could be spent pursuing compensation.

Where Your Tailbone Is and the Function It Serves

It’s fairly likely that you know where your tailbone — also known by its scientific name, the coccyx — is located. The tailbone is a triangular bone found at the base of your spine in the region of your hips and buttocks. Although it is a single bone, it is actually a fusion of four separate vertebrae into one structure.

Your coccyx serves at least two critical functions. First, it is an attachment point for several muscles and ligaments that are crucial to your ability to move. For instance, the muscles of the gluteus maximus attach to your coccyx, which helps you climb steps or run. You could easily find these activities impossible to perform if your coccyx were severely damaged.

Secondly, your tailbone is essential to your ability to sit comfortably and stably. If it is damaged, it can prove difficult to sit without experiencing pain, and you may also experience numbness or pain in other parts of your body whenever you sit down.

Distinguishing Between Coccyx Pain and a Broken Tailbone

If you fall and land on your tailbone, or if you hurt it in a car accident, you can expect to feel some noticeable pain. Coccyx pain has been likened to a bruise, and the area around your tailbone may be sore and tender for a few days after the incident. You can also anticipate that sitting and standing may be uncomfortable until the pain dissipates.

However, the difference between a bruised coccyx and a broken one does not lie in the symptoms you experience themselves but in how long they last. 

If your tailbone is broken, your symptoms will persist beyond a few days and will not appear to get better over time. Therefore, if you continue to experience the same or an increased intensity of pain after a few days, it may be time to see your doctor and have an X-ray conducted to see if your tailbone is broken.

Additionally, any pain that is spreading beyond the immediate area of your tailbone and into your lower back can indicate a broken tailbone in need of treatment. And, if you are experiencing numbness near the site of your injury or numbness radiating from there, your tailbone has likely sustained a serious injury, and you need medical assistance.

Ultimately, X-rays will be necessary to confirm whether your tailbone is broken. If it is, rest and the passage of time will usually be enough to heal its fracture. In some severe cases, however, surgery may be required.

Pay Attention To Your Symptoms If You Hurt Your Tailbone

After an accident, you may not know for certain if you have broken your tailbone or just suffered a painful fall, which is why you need to pay attention to the location and duration of your pain. Pain that lasts more than a few days, extends to your lower back, or gives way to numbness is a good sign that you should visit a hospital or a medical provider for evaluation and treatment.

If you broke your tailbone due to someone else’s negligence, an experienced Harrisburg personal injury attorney can help you seek compensation. You may be entitled to recovery for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and more. 

If you’ve been injured in a personal injury, please contact Marzzacco Niven & Associates at the nearest location to schedule a free consultation today:

Harrisburg Law Office
945 East Park Drive, Suite 103 Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 231-1640

York Law Office
2550 Kingston Road, Suite 210A York, PA 17401
(717) 995-8998

Wyomissing Law Office
833 N. Park Road, Suite 103, Room A Wyomissing, PA 19610
(717) 388-2325

Chambersburg Law Office
79 St. Paul Drive, Suite 1 Chambersburg, PA 17201
(717) 388-2378

Carlisle Law Office
354 Alexander Springs Road Carlisle, PA 17015
(717) 995-8732

Carbondale Law Office
30 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 101 Carbondale, PA 18407
(717) 995-8810

Lancaster Law Office
2173 Embassy Drive, Ste 123, Lancaster Pa 17603
(717) 616-2954

Lebanon Law Office
937 Willow Street, Suite D Lebanon, PA 17042-1140
(717) 995-8963